Sunday, March 28, 2010

The View From the Front Porch

Spring is here. While I can never remember the official start date, Spring has arrived to my part of the Pacific Northwest! The trees are budding, flowering, or leafing out...completely dependant upon their genetics.

Yesterday I spent a few hours on the front porch. The sun was out. The temperature pleasant enough. I knit for a while, chatted with the neighbors and exchanged 'hellos' and waves with those passing by.

A true gift arrived when I noted two circling bald eagles across the street above the neighboring houses. The pair circled lazily on the thermals and drifted toward our house and beyond. In discussing this with the neighbors and a woman walking her dogs, I've learned that this pair lives on the far edge of the park and has been known to dive for dogs walking in the park. This particular woman had the eagles go for her dogs, see her, and then change course. Allegedly frisbee golfers have been approached as well. A lovely bit of excitement for North Portland that doesn't include gunfire and sirens.

This morning I noted sun in the front windows and went for the porch. There was fresh rain and wet conditions. My bench was dry and I parked to knit a bit, but by the time I was settled in, the sun was behind the clouds. Despite all the wind, the clouds never did lift while I was out there. I live three houses down from a huge city park that is full of evergreen trees. When the winds blow like they were this morning, it's almost like being at the beach....

I did give up and return indoors to pick up the knitting.

The current project for today is a blanket I'm knitting to donate to the homeless. I had knit perhaps a foot or so and then changed stitches...wanted a 'mindless' knitting project that was all knit stitch (stockinette) and didn't have to think about. It started out in garter stitch and I changed to stockinette. I tried for several inches to make that be okay, but I've given up on it as it was bugging too much to proceed. I've cut the yarn and cast on again...this time stockinette from the beginning. I like this much better thus far.

The cats and my senses are currently under assault this morning. Leo has the music going very loudly, he has run the vacuum cleaner, and now is apparently washing the outside of the front door. Bonnie and Clyde were peacefully asleep in a basket and on the back of my chair respectively when the vacuum started. They are currently in the nether reaches of my room. I hear them moving about again, but I won't see them for a while.

Off now for more mindless knitting and a bit of a tour around Ravelry.

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