Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Down Side of Mindless Knitting

After a couple of hours of mindless knitting, I'm reminded of the down's boring. I'm dependant upon the color changes to keep me interested. The boring-ness of mindless knitting makes it ideal for doing while watching TV or listening to music or having a conversation. So, I guess, the down side is really the up side?!?!

I guess that's how ya' spin it.

Speaking of spinning, I can see my wheel tucked over there across the room. It is lacking it's string drive, but that should be an easy fix. I've not spun since the Feline Terrorists arrived with us. Pity that.

Years ago our friend Chuck lived with us. He came with a couple of kids and a precocious brat of a cat aptly named, Toes. Now Toes was a wild man at heart. If there was trouble to get into, he was your guy. If the trouble had complications, well Toes could figure it out. Toes was fascinated with my spinning wheel. He particularly liked the tension device.

My wheel is an Ashford Traditional from 1970. It's tensionind device consists of a wooden peg, a length of fishing line, and a spring. I won't try to explain how all of this applies tension, but trust me it does. It also provided hours of continuing entertainment for Toes. I got tired for Toes unhooking this from the wheel and one day, removed the whole thing, wrapped the line around the peg and lodged it on a high shelf. I wasn't wise to the ways of feline terrorists back then.

Toes removed the tensioner from the shelf...I shudder to think at the manipulations he must have went through. Eventually I put the tensioner in the hall closet on the shelf. For the remainder of his time with us, Toes kept his eyes on that closet. Whenever it was opened, he would run to it and look up at the shelf.

This experience with Toes gives me pause at the thought of spinning with Bonnie and Clyde in the house. They are the best thinkers and planners of any felines I've met in my time. They watch where things are put and they remember. Bonnie knows how to open cupboard doors and Clyde knows how to open the interior doors in the house. Not much is safe from them.

I have a blue dresser in my room. It's an old fashioned sort of dresser. There are three big drawers and two small as well as a little cupboard. Bonnie can open the cupboard door and is constantly challenged to open the little drawers. I sincerely hope she never is able to open the little contains knitting needles and crochet hooks and the other houses skeins of sock yarn. Oy! May she be ever stymied by this task!

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