Monday, March 29, 2010

Early Rising

Three-thirty anti meridian came VERY early this morning. I am generally an early riser, but 0330 hasn't been part of my morning ritual for years and years. It just so happens I am covering the early shift at work today. (That is the last I'll say about that four letter word this morning.)

When my alarm went off, it didn't matter to Bonnie P. that it was an hour earlier than normal. She arrived on the bedside table just like any other morning. I am usually greeted by one or the other when the alarm goes off. Ideally, never both at that the same time. This would cause even the strongest hearts to skip a beat or two.

Bonnie arrived to look at me and walk the ear to elbow circuit a few times. Stopping at each destination to flick her tail and look over her shoulder with disdainful expression only produced by felines. When I didn't respond, she opted for the window sill tactic.

In my defense, it's THREE THIRTY in the morning! I've had very strange dreams all night long involving paranoia at missing the alarm and waking up at seven am among other disturbing plot lines. (Surely the subject of another blog.)

Observing the darkness from the bedroom window sill did not elicit any response from me. I was trying to figure out if I could possibly re-set the alarm clock to even get fifteen more minutes of slumber when, UHHH! Bonnie landed on my chest. This annoying maneuver never fails to get a response from Momma. As the air shot out of my lungs and I gasped, "Good Morning Bonnie P." she looked over her shoulder at me as if to say, "You gave me no choice."

Clyde watched this entire encounter from his perch atop the dresser. I won't even go to the place where they leap from the dresser on to the bed...

1 comment:

  1. Shelle!

    Love your blog. I can just SEE those devious critters doing their best to do their worst! God forbid if Bonnie ever actually DOES figure out how to open drawers.

    Thanks for sharing this part of your world with us!

    love and hugs,

    amy :)
